Which should I choose? A Walker, Rollator or Transport Chair?
The most common mobility device is a walker. A sturdy handled frame with legs, most walkers fold easily and have long been the standard recommendation. Most walkers have standard four legs though you can choose one with or without wheels. Wheels generally make for a smoother glide over hard surfaces and allow the person to push the walker rather than needing to pick it up with each step. There are hemi-walkers as well which still provide support but can be manuevered with one arm. Both types of walkers are available with folding or non-folding versions which can be useful when traveling. Most walkers easily adjust in height to fit a variety of people.
A rollator has a similar frame of a walker but they always have wheels and most have a built in seat. Rollators provide stability and balance during walking and a sturdy place to sit to and rest. Recommended for people that need mobility help and tire easily, many rollators also include a basket to store groceries or other personal items. IV Poles and Oxygen Tanks can be fitted to a rollator to keep vital supplies close at hand. Rollators are often wider than walkers and so may be used while outside of the home or during travels in addition to a narrower walker used inside the home. Bariatric rollators should be used by people over 350 pounds in weight.
We often describe a transport chair as a less bulky, lightweight wheelchair. Usually constructed of an aluminum frame, these chairs are different from traditional wheelchairs because they do not allow a person to propel themselves. Transport chairs are intended to be pushed by a caregiver or family member. Made to easily fold and light enough to lift into a trunk, caregivers find transport chairs to be of great help for doctor’s appointments and errands with a person that has trouble walking short distances.
We offer a wide variety of rollators, walkers and transport chairs, you can choose style, material, seats, wheels and even the color of your mobility device.
Use coupon code IAMMOBILE at checkout for a discount on any of our high quality transport chairs, rollators or walkers.